Script PhD has a transcript of the Mad Science panel! Some of the topics of bio-interest include brain scanning, legal issues regarding the children of clones, where they get their science ideas and the role of science advisors.
There's also this quote from
Fringe writer Glen Whitman on why they like to base their plots on biology:
Fringe is a horror show, partly. Creepy and gross is easier with biology and virology, than astrophysics, usually.
Update 2:
Science Not Fiction has the scoop on the Unlocking Arkham panel.
Update 3: I've embedded video of the Mad Science panel below. There are more recaps linked
For those of you willing to brave the crowds at
Comic-Con (and lucky enough to have been able to purchase a ticket before they sold out) you might be interested in the
Mad Science: Science of Science Fiction panel on Thursday, from 6pm-7pm:
... explore science as a double-edged sword – it's ethically and morally neutral in and of itself, but science depends on who wields it and how. [. . . It will be ] a lively and fun discussion on science used for good vs. evil."
- The moderator is Phil Plait of Bad Astronomy
- Jaime Paglia — co-Executive Producer of Eureka
- Kevin Grazier — Battlestar Galactica and Vituality science advisor. From his bio: "Grazier earned B.S. degrees in Computer Science and Geology from Purdue University, and a B.S. in Physics from Oakland University, as well as M.S. degrees in physics from Purdue and Geophysics and Space Physics from UCLA. He did his Ph.D. in Planetary Physics at UCLA." Grazier currently is a scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
- Jane Espenson — major scifi writer/producer: Firefly, Dollhouse, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek: The Next Generation and many other shows
- Rob Chiappetta and Glenn Whitman — writers for Fringe
- Ricardo Gil da Costa — cognitive neuroscientist at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and consultant for Fringe
The panel is co-sponsed by
Discover Magazine and the
Science and Entertainment Exchange.
Sounds like it should be interesting and entertaining.
Maybe someone will post video? Here's the video:
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